Wednesday, September 21, 2016

6th October: James Priest and Liliana David - "SOCIOCRACY 3.0" [ENG]


With a new month, comes a new meet up. We would like to invite you to a talk by James Priest and Liliana David on Sociocracy 3.0. Please note different location than usual (details available below).


Discover how Sociocracy 3.0 patterns help teams and organizations to navigate complexity, deliver maximal value and maintain or grow agility throughout the entire system.

Agile and Lean have delivered fantastic results for improving flow of value to customers, but sooner or later agile teams bump into limitations in the surrounding organization.

This session explores the S3 framework and its menu of actionable patterns that people collaborating together can use to more effectively benefit from agile principles at scale, regardless of their chosen approach to product development and service delivery.

S3 builds on the foundations of classic sociocracy, radically applying lean and agile principles to dynamically steer and evolve organization.

During this session you will:
  • Learn what S3 is,
  • Understand the relevance of its optional framework of patterns for organizations wishing to grow and maintain resilience, tap into collective intelligence and improve value delivery,
  • Recognize how pulling in S3 patterns can facilitate the evolution of people’s ability to effectively collaborate with others locally and at scale,
  • Understand the importance of "invitation, respect and flexibility" as powerful and perhaps essential ingredients in any successful organizational change initiative.

About our speakers:

James Priest - combines 20 plus years experience of project management with over a decade spent supporting intentional communities, businesses, NGO’s and individuals to thrive. He is a co-founder and developer of Sociocracy 3.0 ( and prior to this, taught sociocracy in various contexts over 15 years. He currently serves internationally providing holistic organizational development consultancy, mentoring and training.

Liliana David - serves internationally providing consultation, facilitation and mentoring to organizations that wish to develop greater effectiveness and equivalence in collaboration. She combines a background in communications and business administration with her growing experience as a co-developer and trainer of the Sociocracy 3.0. framework.

We meet on Thursday, 06.10.2016 at 7:00 pm. The talk will start around 7:10 pm.
Networking and discussions are welcomed after the presentation :)
Please register on Meetup:

ul. Fabryczna 20a
Factory Park building, 3rd floor
Car park available.

James and Lili shared some additional materials with us:

    Thursday, September 15, 2016

    Agenda ABE 2016

    Agenda tegorocznej edycji AgileByExample (10–12 października, Warszawa) jest już gotowa – zarys widać na – z biegiem czasu będzie się tam pojawiało coraz więcej informacji o speakerach i prezentacjach.

    Na ABE pojawi się:
    4 keynotów (Jurgen Appelo, Henrik Kniberg, Brian Marick, prof. Andrzej Koźmiński)
    18 zaproszonych speakerów z mnóstwem ciekawych opowieści
    24 krótkich (15 minutowych) prezentacji wybranych spośród ponad 60 zgłoszeń
    Prawie domknięty plan 18 warsztatów na Dojo pierwszego dnia konferencji
    Historie z m. in. Google, Intela, Spotify, Nokii oraz mBanku, CITI, PZU, Avivy, OLX

    Planowane są oczywiście dodatkowe atrakcje jak sesja lightning talków, panel dyskusyjny o przyszłości agile czy cieszące się ogromnym powodzeniem w poprzednich latach Ask The Expert oraz Coaching Corner.

    Organizatorzy ABE szczególnie dziękują radzie programowej (Ewa Gowin, Andy Brandt, Jacek Wieczorek oraz Jakub Szczepanik) – która pomogła przedrzeć się przez tę ogromną liczbę zgłoszeń:)

    Warto nie ociągać się z kupnem biletów - do końca września obowiązuje cena 1400 zł + VAT (z dojo 1700 zł) – Oczywiście na hasło ‘ALEKraków’ jest 15% zniżki :)

    Poszukiwani są też wolontariusze (najchętniej młodsi) do pomocy przy obsłudze konferencji. Zgłoszenia proszę kierować na

    Do zobaczenia w październiku!
    ALE Kraków Servants Team

    Tuesday, September 6, 2016

    19 of September: Wojciech Burkot - "Getting out of a software monolith" [ENG]

    We are very pleased to invite you to another meet up in September! This time we will welcome Wojtek Burkot on stage :)

    Wojciech Burkot - "Getting out of a software monolith"

    Wojtek will talk about getting out of a software monolith: old and ugly but bread bringer nevertheless. A monolith, written by people no longer around, or the ones pretending they had nothing to do with its creation, is a side effect of an early success of product organization. Regretfully, this success usually predates proper organization structure and all the attempts at changing the monolith face inevitable effects of Conway’s law “The organization of the software and the organization of the software team will be congruent”.
    The talk will be an attempt at synthesis, as we all are bored to death by analytical case studies, still some examples will be provided, without naming the names.

    About our speaker:
    Wojtek Burkot is one of the most wanted professionals in Polish IT world. During last years he shared his knowledge and experience supporting Motorola, built Cracow's Google engineering team and played a CTO role for Allegro Group. Wojtek worked as a researcher in CERN, holds a PhD in nuclear physics and spent a couple of years educating future IT psofessionals at AGH University of Science and Technology and Jagiellonian University.

    Let's meet at 7 pm and start the talk at 7:10 pm. 
    Networking and discussions are welcomed after the presentation :)

    When: 19th of September 2016
    Where: Klub RE, Świętego Krzyża 4, Kraków (