Sunday, April 17, 2016

26th of April: Katarzyna Ziemba - The Art of Facilitation


We would like to invite you to our meetup, which will take place on 26th of April. We will be hosting Katarzyna Ziemba who will talk about the art of the facilitation. 
This event will be held workshop format, so be prepared for some exercises:)
The language is English or Polish depends on the audience.

About the speaker:
Scrum Master and Leadership Coach, currently in the process of the accreditation by ICF (International Coaching Federation).
She spends her time serving, helping and of course coaching. She believes that everyone has skills and abilities to do what they love and to be good at it. Energetic, enthusiastic and caring about people and their feelings. Her mission, set some time ago, is to be the best Scrum Master for her teams and for the whole organization.

About the presentation:
Title: "The art of Facilitation"
Meetings without a purpose ended as hours of complaining, with no outcome. We have seen that and we have been there, probably many times. The aim of this workshop is to answer the question – how to effectively support groups in achieving their goals and how to help people achieve the desired outcome?
During the session, we will talk about the role and competencies of a facilitator. We will go through the Diamond model which will help you understand a group dynamics and support groups in the decision-making process.

Date: 26.04.2016
Venue: Klub Re, św. Krzyża 4

19:00 - we meet
19:10 - presentation
20:00 - networking

Meetup registration:

See you soon!
ALE Kraków Servants Team

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