Na ostatnim spotkaniu w 2015 roku, będziemy mieli przyjemność gościć
na scenie Przemka Kadelę, który opowie nam o swoim doświadczeniu jako
Product Owner i Project Manager w jednej osobie.
O prezentacji: "PM i PO w jednym - czy to możliwe?"
Przez około dwa lata pełniłem funkcje Project Manager i Product Owner
jednocześnie. Chcę pokazać moją wizję tych dwóch ról i pokazać czy i w
jakim zakresie jedna osoba może je równocześnie pełnić. Natknąłem się na
sytuacje, gdy ta dwoistość mi pomagała i sprawiała, że mogę szybciej
reagować na zmiany. Bywałem czasami takim POem, któremu ciążył PM .... i
niekiedy PMem, któremu przeszkadzał PO. Udało mi się przetrwać dwa lata
łącząc te role i odniosłem umiarkowany sukces w kontekście produktu.
Zapraszam na spotkanie, na którym podzielę się moimi doświadczeniami.
O Przemku:
W branży IT od 1998 roku. Pasjonat informatyki, Agile i psychologii -
łączy te pasje pełniąc rolę Agile Coacha w krakowskim Sabre. Poprzednio
pracował jako Project Manager i Product Owner starając się połączyć te
dwie funkcję w możliwie najlepszy sposób. Certyfikowany Scrum Master i
Product Owner. Nauczyciel akademicki z wieloletnim stażem, związany z
Uniwersytetem Jagiellońskim.
Spotykamy się o 19:00, start tradycyjnie o 19:10
20:10 - czas na networking
Miejsce: Klub RE
Do zobaczenia wkrótce!:)
ALE Kraków Team
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
November 15: Janet Gregory - Learning culture critical to Agile Success
This fall will be busy. We're happy to let you know that we'll be hosting second special guest at ALE Krakow in November.
Janet Gregory is coming to Agile and Automation Days which are scheduled for November 16-17. She'd agreed to meet with ALE Krakow members on Sunday, November 15.
In software development, regardless of what we do, we need to be learning all the time. Many times it is only the application. Sometimes it is new methods and processes. Sometimes it is new ways to analyze, develop or test an application. It may be new languages or new tools. Perhaps most importantly, we learn different ways of dealing with people. In today’s world, testers are expected to have ‘soft skills’ to collaborate as well as have more technical knowledge than ever before. Janet Gregory share ideas about how to approach this learning curve and the different influences which help us succeed.
She is co-author with Lisa Crispin of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams (Addison-Wesley, 2009).
Janet has helped introduce agile practices into companies as tester or coach, and has successfully transitioned traditional test teams into the agile world. Her focus is working the business users and testers to understand their role in agile projects. She practices Lean principles, Extreme Programming, and SCRUM. Her experience as a QA Manager both in a traditional and in agile environments gives her an understanding of the issues faced by most teams. She has introduced lasting change into organizations.
Time: 19.00
Venue: Pauza in Garden ul. Rajska 12, Krakow
Language: English
19.00 We meet
19.10 Janet Gregory: Topic TBA
20.10 Networking
See you soon!
Janet Gregory is coming to Agile and Automation Days which are scheduled for November 16-17. She'd agreed to meet with ALE Krakow members on Sunday, November 15.
Talk Topic
In your voting you've selected: Learning culture critical to Agile SuccessIn software development, regardless of what we do, we need to be learning all the time. Many times it is only the application. Sometimes it is new methods and processes. Sometimes it is new ways to analyze, develop or test an application. It may be new languages or new tools. Perhaps most importantly, we learn different ways of dealing with people. In today’s world, testers are expected to have ‘soft skills’ to collaborate as well as have more technical knowledge than ever before. Janet Gregory share ideas about how to approach this learning curve and the different influences which help us succeed.
About Janet:
Janet Gregory is a Calgary-based consultant, specializing building quality systems. Her passion is promoting agile quality processes in software development.She is co-author with Lisa Crispin of Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams (Addison-Wesley, 2009).
Janet has helped introduce agile practices into companies as tester or coach, and has successfully transitioned traditional test teams into the agile world. Her focus is working the business users and testers to understand their role in agile projects. She practices Lean principles, Extreme Programming, and SCRUM. Her experience as a QA Manager both in a traditional and in agile environments gives her an understanding of the issues faced by most teams. She has introduced lasting change into organizations.
Workshop with Janet
You can also join Janet on How Test Automation Fits Into Agile workshop on Tuesday, November 17. Use "ALE KRAKÓW" code to get 10% off regular price.Logistic
Date: Sunday, November 15thTime: 19.00
Venue: Pauza in Garden ul. Rajska 12, Krakow
Language: English
19.10 Janet Gregory: Topic TBA
20.10 Networking
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ALE Krakow Team
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