Dear All,
Thanks to Devoxx Poland ( we've invited special guest to our June meeting - Ted Neward (
I've asked Ted about the topic, and given the audience, he suggested:
"Let’s be agile about it -- put it to the group, take a vote about a week before the conference, and let me know the results. I’m good for any of the four options."
So in voting you've chosen:
Managers are from Mars, Developers are from Venus
You're a manager. You've been hired to run a small (or large) development team, and for the life of you, you can't understand these people. Every time you try to motivate them, they balk and resist. You try to hire them, you can't figure out what they want and they walk away. Then, without any sort of action on your part, suddenly they put in 16-hour days, and they pull off some amazing work, but when you try to ask them to do it again for a critical update, they get angry and quit. What the heck? Where did these bizarre alien creatures come from, and how in the world are you supposed to work with them?
Thanks to Devoxx Poland ( we've invited special guest to our June meeting - Ted Neward (
I've asked Ted about the topic, and given the audience, he suggested:
"Let’s be agile about it -- put it to the group, take a vote about a week before the conference, and let me know the results. I’m good for any of the four options."
So in voting you've chosen:
Managers are from Mars, Developers are from Venus
You're a manager. You've been hired to run a small (or large) development team, and for the life of you, you can't understand these people. Every time you try to motivate them, they balk and resist. You try to hire them, you can't figure out what they want and they walk away. Then, without any sort of action on your part, suddenly they put in 16-hour days, and they pull off some amazing work, but when you try to ask them to do it again for a critical update, they get angry and quit. What the heck? Where did these bizarre alien creatures come from, and how in the world are you supposed to work with them?
About Ted:
Ted Neward is an independent consultant specializing in high-scale enterprise
systems, working with clients ranging in size from Fortune 500 corporations to
small 10-person shops. He is an authority in Java and .NET technologies,
particularly in the areas of Java/.NET integration (both in-process and via
integration tools like Web services), back-end enterprise software systems, and
virtual machine/execution engine plumbing.
Date: Monday, June 22th
Time: 19.00
Venue: Klub RE, św. Krzyża 4, 31-027 Kraków,
Reservation: We've limited number of seats, please sign in at meetup.
Language: English :)
19.00 We meet
19.10 Ted Neward - Managers are from Mars, Developers are from Venus
20.10 Networking